Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Life and Music

OK. So normally I'm not a person that would be considered a blogger but I will tell you a little background about myself and my passion for music. It all started when I was 14. My parents weren't really home often because they both worked a large amount of the time. Most of the time I was home alone and was very anti social. At school, I wasn't considered one of the cool kids, I was one of the kids that was teased everyday. I really didn't have too many friends so I was used to going home and being by myself all the time. As time went by, I saw a kid at my school that was really popular for his music and his name is very known right now "Mike Posner". When I heard about it around the school I thought that maybe that could be the thing I'm missing in my life. As I attempted to make beats back then I had a low self esteem so I was easily discouraged and sort quit and came back time to time for about 2 years. When people around school heard I was trying to do music, they simply made fun of me even more. I felt like the dream i was developing was just a fantasy and I would never be good enough. By the time I reach my junior year, I decided i would try rapping out and once again I was picked on for it. After that, I really wanted to give up until the beginning of my senior year when I met my first rap partner "Mic Jack". I can truthfully say that my dreams of doing something with music began to show when I team up with him. He was like the Brother from another mother. We didn't have the best equipment, we had Cu base LE and an USB mic from a PS2 video game lol. We named our Group True Soldiers and that's where it true fully began. 3 years later, we decided for the first time to head to a studio to record. After that, I decided that we would make our first official mixtape called "Time to Win". After we finished that, It was around the time I was attending college and time was really hard to get together. Plus my partner had different focuses and new things he wanted to experience so I decided to work on my first solo project; an album called Distortion; which is a story based album where I expressed my life story. But with the inspiration to be a better rapper and producer, I decided to make my own beats, Not swear, not talk about the typical things rap influences, and tie it together like a story. I ended up finding a studio around my area I decided to record with and still today; Reagan Hamilton. Even though it was a hard task to make an album, expenses was another factor that came into play. I had to make alot of sacrifices to pursue this dream of mine. After I was finally completed with the album, alot of people seem to really like it alot except me. As an artist, I felt that there was so much more I could of done. They say that you are your own worst critic, I was 10x that lol. After the album, I decided to work on my Mixtape which is Part 2 to my album ; Artificial Intelligence. Along that process I once again got discouraged by the people that I was around at my college. Just when I was going to stop I got accepted into the Disney College Program is Anaheim, CA. Doing that internship, clearly changed my life. I was surrounded with some many people that were kind and were considered life long friends. It inspired me so much that I ended up making a Graduation song for the Disney College program and was the first to ever do it by collab with other musicians. After i came back home in MI, I had a new motivation and finished Artificial Intelligence. I could honestly say that i was really proud of it. Then recently I released my 2 creative beat tapes... Baby Steps (samples) and Artificial Mind (originals)  which i worked night and day on for 2-3 years straight. Now that I've been through alot of changes in my life, I feel I can finally be proud of the music I create...

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